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Tag Archives: photography classes

You can dramatically increase the power of your photographs by following the steps in my second book,
Make Images with Impact. No big words or fancy concepts- just proven steps that I have shared with my photography students over the years. Will be hot off the press by mid September so check my web site then.Look under galleries, then select NEW book.

Want to make a great image? Work backwards. Previsualize the final photograph in your head. Let’s say you want to make an image of your Dad. Full body? Close up? Just his hands? With an object (something he might use…a pipe, a saw, a violin??).Black and white OR color? With the end in mind, make your image YOUR WAY. Planning leads to images that are compelling and memorable- the test of any great image.

Photography is a great equalizer. Fellow shooters pay more attention to what you shoot instead of who you are. Collectors of your work are more interested in how you “see” not IF you can still see! In my case, when I teach photography, or make photographs, I am no longer type cast by age, ethnicity or net worth. I am just a shooter.

I am new to blogging and Facebook. I can now see the seductive power of social media. I worry sometimes that people will become glued to their computers or fancy phones and forget to experience life AWAY from the terminal. Like I tell my photography students, the best zoom lens? Your feet (according to a now deceased photographer far wiser than me).

Some eight past photo students have volunteered to join me in creating images – at no cost- for local non profit agencies. Do you agree with me that a photograph can change hearts and minds? -Steve

I often place 8-10 photography books on the table as students gather for their first class with me. The books are open to images. At first glance, one tends to be impressed with the printed word/image, but the real test is whether or not the images are compelling and memorable. Just because someone has a book or a big name does not mean they can shoot worth a darn. Trust YOUR instincts in what you shoot and what you like.