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Tag Archives: journalism

Six miles of walking and shooting netted zip until I came to this Athens train station. It was the design that caught my eye BUT it was my patience that helped give life to the image.  I waited for one train to be still while the other pulled out. I also hoped for one passenger running to a train. With a VERY cold wind to my back, I shot 110 images over a 2 hour period. Creativity doesn’t just happen:-)Lone Commuter copy

My training was in journalism. And, journalists are taught to question the polished news release or well phrased anwser. In short, to look beyond. Sadly, I still seem to need those skills today in dealing with institutions and even some people. Just look at all the people you trusted prior to the recent financial melt down. “Looking beyond” is something good photographers do, too. Always trying to see what others miss.